About Wendy

I have worked with autistic young people for 17 years, in primary and secondary settings and for two London local authorities as an Autism Outreach Specialist. My interest in helping autistic young people led me to return to education as a mature student where I enjoyed deepening my understanding of autism within a neurodiversity framework as a natural variation of human diversity.
I enjoy a busy family life with many interests including running, walking, attending choir and yoga classes. Family and friends are very important to me and I value their support and encouragement in my work at Your Autism Mentor.
Skills and approaches:
- working with children and young people in one-to-one and small group mentoring relationships
- post-diagnostic support
- supporting autistic young people through adolescence, understanding puberty, sexuality and changes in the teenage brain
- supporting adolescent girls who may have a subtler presentation of autism
- social stories and comic strip conversations
- visual supports and prompts
- the ‘Drawing and Talking’ therapeutic intervention
- the SCERTS® model (social communication, emotional regulation and transactional support)
- Lego Therapy groups
- National Autistic Society’s ‘Teen Life’ Parent Training Programme
- ‘H.A.P.P.Y. Coach’ – the Happiness in Autism Personal Project for Young People developed by Peter Vermeulen from Autism in Context
- report writing, including advice for EHCP needs assessments
- observations/advice to schools and parents
- development of educational transition resources
- development of a local authority funded project to support the transition of autistic young people to post-16 education
Wendy’s qualifications and awards:
- Post Graduate Certificate with Distinction in Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome, Sheffield Hallam University
- First-Class B.A. (Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies, University of Greenwich
- Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution, University of Greenwich
- Open Awards Certificate in Mentoring Young People in the Community
- Award for Outstanding Contribution, London Borough of Bexley
- Mental Health Champion, Place2B
- Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies
Useful Information:
- Wendy, trading as Your Autism Mentor, has insurance with limits of £1,000,000 professional indemnity and £5,000,000 public liability
- Your Autism Mentor is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as a Data Controller
- Wendy has up-to-date safeguarding training including completion of the National Autistic Society ‘Safeguarding Children on the Autism Spectrum’ course
- Wendy holds an Enhanced Certificate with the Disclosure & Barring Service
- Wendy regularly attends supervision sessions with an experienced therapeutic supervisor to ensure safe and ethical practice
- Wendy regularly participates in Continued Professional Development (CPD) to keep up-to-date with research, continue learning and developing her practice
- Your Autism Mentor policies can be viewed here: